The Rules of Software Development

Forget the Comments with Raul Portales

Andrew Woods/Raul Portales Season 1 Episode 7

Happy New Year.

In this episode I'm chatting to Raul Portales, a Senior Android Engineer in Workday, here in Dublin.

Raul and I talk about commit messaging how to make it usable. We talk about the use of comments and why you should be trying not to use them!! We discuss working with the product team and how ultimately they are nice people who would look for honesty from engineers. And we talk about the value of saying No!!

We also have a discussion around whether software developers should be writing QA Automation code or not.

Raul also kindly gives us two books recommendations, one which is as old as him!

The Mythical Man Month by Frederick Brooks and Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal. 

I hope you enjoy the show and if so, do please subscribe. 

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